Monday, September 10, 2007

Hi All

Hello friends, family and fellow OSU students,

My friend, Stephen Hodges, recently created a blog/travel journal and I thought that even though I don't have much going on in my life (yet), it might be nice to have one and post things that may be going on, of interest to me or even interest to you.

Anyway, if you're interested in keeping up with what I have going on, just stop by. I will try to post at least once a week.

Considering there will be a lot happening within the next year or so, I am sure I will post more as time goes on...

Finally, even if you don't know Steve, if you're interested in Stephen's random travels, it's worth checking out! He's a great guy! For serious.

Stephen's Travel Journal

Have a great day, everyone!

Your friend,

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